2025 Short Term Trips
God is doing amazing things around the world. He invites each of us to use our strengths and abilities for His Kingdom. Pray about and consider serving on a Short Term Trip.
When: May 9-18
Need: 10 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with children and running a sports camp.
When: May 9-18
Need: 10 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with children and running a sports camp.
When: September or October
Need: 6-8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with children in either a soccer camp or an English camp.
Need: 6-8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with children in either a soccer camp or an English camp.
This trip has been cancelled by the missionaries due to the political climate.
When: July 5-16
Need: 8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be helping with construction, putting on VBS, and/or working with mothers.
Need: 8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be helping with construction, putting on VBS, and/or working with mothers.
When: July or August
Need: 4 people
Ministry Description: This team will be helping to put on the National Mission Summit with workshops geared to business topics.
Need: 4 people
Ministry Description: This team will be helping to put on the National Mission Summit with workshops geared to business topics.
When: April or October
Need: 8-10 people
Ministry Description: This team will help support the refugee ministry inGreece with various avenues of work.
Need: 8-10 people
Ministry Description: This team will help support the refugee ministry inGreece with various avenues of work.
When: March 28–April 7
Need: 6 people
Ministry Description: This team will be helping with constructing the transistor hall expansion.
When: March 28–April 7
Need: 6 people
Ministry Description: This team will be helping with constructing the transistor hall expansion.
When: September
Need: 6-8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working in refugee ministry.
Need: 6-8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working in refugee ministry.
When: Summer
Need: 8-10 people
Application Deadline: April 30
Ministry Description: This team will be working with students at an English camp.
Need: 8-10 people
Application Deadline: April 30
Ministry Description: This team will be working with students at an English camp.
Puerto Rico
When: June 20-29
Need: 10 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with local churches and communities, as well as putting on a children’s day camp.
When: June 20-29
Need: 10 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with local churches and communities, as well as putting on a children’s day camp.
South Korea
When: July or October
Need: 6-8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with students at an English camp.
Need: 6-8 people
Ministry Description: This team will be working with students at an English camp.
Please note:
- All applicants must go through an interview process. Not all applicants are guaranteed placement on a Short-Term Trip Team.
- Each team must raise the funds for their Short Term Trip. No child under 18 years old can go on a Short Term Trip without a parent or guardian.
- Trips, dates, and details are subject to change.
- Trips will primarily take place where Westover has Global Workers currently being supported.
Short Term Trip FAQ's
What is the serving application?
Westover requires each person to fill out a Serving Application prior to serving in any ministry. This helps the ministry leaders to get to know you, your gifts and your passion. If you have already completed a Serving Application (for a previous trip or for another ministry) you do not have to complete it again.
How is the trip paid for?
We ask each team member to contribute $100.00. Then the team members are asked to raise support (as a team, not individually) to cover the cost of trip by sending support letters to friends, family members, co-workers, etc. It is a step of faith for each team member to send out their support letters so we can all see (and praise God for) His faithfulness in funding the support for each trip.
Can I pay for the trip myself?
You can contribute your portion to the team’s budget, but we still ask that you send out letters for prayer support, and let the recipients know they can donate to the team/trip as a whole if they are led to do so. Remember, we raise money for each trip as a team.
What determines the cost of a trip?
Airfare cost is the biggest budget item, along with funds for project(s). The missionary we are working alongside will advise us of the in-country cost of housing, food, transportation, and cost of the project(s). Then the leaders will put the budget together to determine the cost per person for the trip.
Why do we send people, and not just financial support?
Short Term Trips are a faith-building process; the work and experience team members can receive is as beneficial for their personal growth in Christ as it is a help and encouragement for the missionary. We pray every team member will come home with a new or renewed passion for missions. Another benefit is that the team members will then be a built-in connection for that missionary (for prayer support or for when the missionary visits Westover) and will help encourage others to ‘Pray’, ‘Give’ and ‘Go’.
What happens if the team raises more than they need for their trip?
Westover Church makes every attempt to utilize all donations directly for the trip to which they are designated. However on occasion we will have trips that are overfunded or are cancelled at the last moment. Therefore Westover Church reserves the right to transfer any excess donations from the designated team to another short term team if the designated trip ends up overfunded or cancelled.
What happens if the team does not raise the necessary support for their trip?
If the team does not raise enough support, the Short Term Leadership Team (STLT) will determine if the team should go.
What is the Short Term Leadership Team (STLT)?
The STLT is Westover’s ministry team that oversees Short Term Trips. The team is composed of men and women who have been on multiple Westover trips, either as team members or as leaders. The STLT selects appropriate trips, and then helps with every aspect of getting the team to the field and back. Each STT has a “liaison” on the STLT who works closely with the team leader.
How do we select each year’s trips?
We never go to a field unless the missionaries have requested our help in some area. The Short Term Leadership Team (STLT) goes through the annual requests from our supported missionaries, and then prayerfully considers how we can help them. We then decide what skill set is necessary for the trip, based on the missionary’s requests. Some trips may need teachers, or skilled workers such as medical professionals or those trained in construction work, etc.
How does the interview process work?
First, you will need to fill out the online Short Term Trip AND Service Applications. If you have already filled out a Service Application, you do not need to fill it out again. Upon receipt of the application, Westover leadership will call references and does a background check. The Trip Leader and Trip Liaison will then call/email you to set up an interview time. After meeting with every interviewee, the trip leader and liaison will review all the applicants and pray for those who best match the skill sets needed for the team. Not everyone who applies is chosen for a team.
What do I have to do to prepare for the trip?
Each team member is required to attend from 8-10 training meetings, and be a part of a service project. At the first meeting, the whole team will determine the dates and times of the remaining 8-10 meetings. Team meetings are critical to the success of the team on the field.
Is there an age limit for children to go on a STT?
Yes. The missionary on the field determines the age of the children that we can bring for each trip. Westover’s policy states that no one under 18 may go on a STT without at least one parent or legal guardian. If a child 10 and up is going on a STT with one parent, a court affidavit giving permission to take the child out of the country must be signed by the other parent.
Please note: the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) will be responsible for paying half of the child’s airfare.
Please note: the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) will be responsible for paying half of the child’s airfare.
If I cannot physically go, how can I serve in supporting Short Term Trips?
Prayer is vital to each team that heads out on a Short Term Trip. Although you may not be able to go, your prayer participation is an invaluable gift for these teams, the global family members and people groups they will serve in His name. For prayer updates see the Liaison for each team.
Additionally, if you are led, you can also participate through a financial gift. Checks or online gifts, payable to Westover Church, should have the STT Team Name on the memo line. For trip planning purposes it would be helpful to receive the gift at least 30 days prior to the team’s departure date. For further questions or details related to financial giving, please contact: Lori Lewey at 299-7374, ext: 1902.
Additionally, if you are led, you can also participate through a financial gift. Checks or online gifts, payable to Westover Church, should have the STT Team Name on the memo line. For trip planning purposes it would be helpful to receive the gift at least 30 days prior to the team’s departure date. For further questions or details related to financial giving, please contact: Lori Lewey at 299-7374, ext: 1902.
How do I become a STT Leader?
If you have gone on a STT trip with Westover and have attended the STT leadership training, you may be considered as a leader for future trips. The bottom line is that we need someone who has a passion for missions, as well as effective leadership qualities that will help make the trip process for the entire team go as smoothly as possible.
Meet the Global Missions Team

Elliot Ramos
Global Care Pastor

Lori Lewey
Global Support Director

Pam Burris
Global Ministries Associate

Michelle Moore
Senior Ministry Associate

Stefanie Greeson
Global Communications Associate

Kim Zinke
Global Admin Associate
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